Saturday, March 7, 2015

Word on the Street #7

Lyndsey: "Hey look! A shooting star! Oh wait...that's a plane."  (Who knew you could see a meteor shower in the middle of the day?)

Aleta: "I'm feeling great! With a capital G-R-A-T-E!"

A few weeks ago, I watched Great Gatsby with Lyndsey. After we finished the movie, I looked out the window in the dark and saw a green light in the distance. I stared at it. "Gatsby believed in the green light...hey how ironic!" I thought. "I'm seeing this mysterious green light and I just finished watching Great Gatsby. How weird is th-" Then the green light turned yellow. Then red. I realize I had been admiring a stoplight in the distance...

A long car ride home from Logan for Spring Break

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