For family and friends to read about my experiences in college. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Throwback Thursday: Girl's Camp!
I was looking through my pictures and I found pictures from my last year at Girl's Camp, nearly two years ago. That was definitely my favorite year ever! My mom was able to be one of my cabin leaders and I had the opportunity to be a Youth Camp Leader (YCL), I was in charge of the first years. I had so much fun with them! I read them bedtime stories, we went on hikes, went canoeing, sang songs, performed skits and enjoyed having fun and learning more about the Gospel. I found a blurb about Girl's Camp I wrote after this experience: "I think I can honestly say this has been my favorite year of Girl's Camp, because this year as a YCL, it wasn't about me. It was about the girls I was serving and helping, my first years.What greater joy can we experience than serving our fellow men and in this case our sisters, while also serving our loving Heavenly Father? I learned so much at girls camp this year, but it wasn't anything anyone sat down and taught me, it was through my own experiences and spending time with and serving the first years. I developed a feeling of love and charity for all of them and also for the YCL's in my cabin. I don't think I've bonded with any group of girls at girls camp in the past as I did this one. I returned with new friends, deeper friendships, sunburned arms and a stronger testimony."
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