Sunday, September 14, 2014


I love Sundays! It's nice to be able to relax and go to church. We have 1:00 church and my roommates and I have to force ourselves to not all head out the door for church too early. Today I was called to be a Sunday school teacher in the family history class. I'm excited, it should be a good experience and my partner, Candice seems like she'll be really good to work with. I was a family history consultant for about two and a half years in my home ward in Mapleton...I expected the calling to last about a year or less, but after the ward split, they never released me. The only reason I don't have that calling anymore is because I moved! I really enjoyed going to the Family History Center and helping people out. I even taught one of my best friends, Anthony how to index before he left on his mission. I hope I can be an effective teacher and teach others by the spirit and get them excited about family history work! 
Guess who the new
Family History Sunday school teacher is...
 I was also able to go to the CES devotional broadcast earlier this evening with my roommates. D. Todd Christofferson spoke and it was great! A quote he said that really stuck out to me was; "Our lives should be a confession of Christ, and together with our words testify of our faith in and devotion to Him." How we live our everyday lives should be a testimony to others as well as ourselves that we believe in Christ and are always striving to be more like Him.
After the devotional 

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