Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cleaning the Sink

It's a tradition in Logan to go to a restaurant called Angie's and clean the sink. They bring you a huge dish of ice cream that looks like a sink and if you eat all of it between you and a group of friends, they'll take your picture and give you a bumper sticker.
My roommates and I after cleaning the sink. 
My friends and I decided to go and try this today. We watched in anticipation as the waitress brought out the sink filled with ice cream, chocolate syrup, bananas, whipped cream, strawberries and Reese's PB cups. It was delicious! 1 sink, 6 girls and 20 minutes later, all the ice cream was gone. The waitress seemed very surprised that the six of us ate all of the ice cream so quickly. What can we say? It was good ice cream...and we were hungry. :)

Before the ice cream comes 
The sink itself! 

Hannah, Lyndsey and Aleta 
Almost finished, it's was delicious! 

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