Friday, September 19, 2014

Beyond Believing

      Today I had the opportunity to go to a Religion in Life devotional at institute. Former General Primary President, Sister Lant spoke. She talked about the five parts of a testimony (believing that God lives, that he loves us, that Jesus is the Savior, that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that this is the true church) and how we can evaluate and strengthen each area. 
      She invited us to continue to strive to do more and do better at what we’re doing. That reminded me of a scripture I came across recently in my daily scripture study. In Alma 50:12, it talks about how Moroni and his armies increased daily. Increase daily. Not just every week when we go to church, not every month or every six months when it’s general conference, but daily. We need to continue to do our best everyday and grow spiritually everyday. Sister Lant also invited us to go beyond believing, we need to continue to be converted. Conversion is continually acting on our belief. Increasing daily! She said “The plan is simple, we make it hard.” We may be busy but we can always put time aside for the things that are most important and read our scriptures and say our prayers, checking in with our Heavenly Father. He loves us! How fortunate we are to have this knowledge that our Heavenly Father loves us. My Book of Mormon institute teacher, Brother Erni mentioned a thought a few days ago that many people don’t know or understand that God loves them. “Do you know the nature of God?” He asked us. “Do you know who you’re praying to?” We are praying to our Heavenly Father who loves us and is in the very details of our lives everyday. We just need to be spiritually sensitive enough to recognize his blessings and hand in our lives. 
      So be like Moroni and his armies, strive to increase everyday! 

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