Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Word on the Street

So my roommates and I have really random conversations, here is an example of some of the many fun things you may hear with my roommates...

Me: "I’m posting my blog on Facebook so people will actually look at it.”
Kartika (innocently): “I look at it!”
Me: “Thanks…but you live with me!” 

Lyndsey: “There is nothing more beautiful than a freshly opened container of sour cream.” 

 "Hey look! The dead fish is gone!" 

Me: "Oh no. Seriously? Does the horse talk?"
Aleta: It's a UNICORN!  

Kartika: "Maybe it's in here! Am I that nice to myself? No..."

"We lost it and we don't know where to find it!!"
Wait...what did we lose?"
"I...I don't know" 

Me: "Aw baby Lyndsey is cutting up her hot dog."
Lyndsey: "Did you just call me baby Lyndsey? Umm excuse me Miss eats cereal without milk with a spoon!"
Aleta: "Oh snap!"  

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Feelings of the Temple

My friends and I went to do baptisms today at the Logan temple. It was wonderful! I want to make it a goal to go to the temple at least once a month, if not more! I love the temple, not only can we be sealed to our families for eternity, but we can help those who have passed on have the opportunity to accept the Gospel. It’s so beautiful! Neil L. Andersen said; “The way you feel in the temple is a pattern for how you want to feel in your life.” How do I feel in the temple? I feel calm, peaceful, confident, strengthened,empowered, comforted, thoughtful, loving, kind…the list goes on!
These are fruits of the Spirit, the good, gentle feelings we feel in the temple are of Him. Don’t we all want to have these feelings with us in our everyday lives? We strive to have His Spirit to be with us always, not only at the temple or at church, but always, wherever we are. I feel very blessed to be so near a temple that I can attend often. We really are blessed to have temples here on the Earth, the unity and love felt in the temple is amazing. Seeing everyone in white and just knowing that He loves each of us and our worth is great in His sight. When we go in the temple we put aside our worldly titles and positions and we are just who we are, sons and daughters of God, striving to build up His Kingdom. Waking up early on a rainy Saturday morning to go to the temple? Definitely worth every moment. #sharegoodness

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cleaning the Sink

It's a tradition in Logan to go to a restaurant called Angie's and clean the sink. They bring you a huge dish of ice cream that looks like a sink and if you eat all of it between you and a group of friends, they'll take your picture and give you a bumper sticker.
My roommates and I after cleaning the sink. 
My friends and I decided to go and try this today. We watched in anticipation as the waitress brought out the sink filled with ice cream, chocolate syrup, bananas, whipped cream, strawberries and Reese's PB cups. It was delicious! 1 sink, 6 girls and 20 minutes later, all the ice cream was gone. The waitress seemed very surprised that the six of us ate all of the ice cream so quickly. What can we say? It was good ice cream...and we were hungry. :)

Before the ice cream comes 
The sink itself! 

Hannah, Lyndsey and Aleta 
Almost finished, it's was delicious! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Beyond Believing

      Today I had the opportunity to go to a Religion in Life devotional at institute. Former General Primary President, Sister Lant spoke. She talked about the five parts of a testimony (believing that God lives, that he loves us, that Jesus is the Savior, that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that this is the true church) and how we can evaluate and strengthen each area. 
      She invited us to continue to strive to do more and do better at what we’re doing. That reminded me of a scripture I came across recently in my daily scripture study. In Alma 50:12, it talks about how Moroni and his armies increased daily. Increase daily. Not just every week when we go to church, not every month or every six months when it’s general conference, but daily. We need to continue to do our best everyday and grow spiritually everyday. Sister Lant also invited us to go beyond believing, we need to continue to be converted. Conversion is continually acting on our belief. Increasing daily! She said “The plan is simple, we make it hard.” We may be busy but we can always put time aside for the things that are most important and read our scriptures and say our prayers, checking in with our Heavenly Father. He loves us! How fortunate we are to have this knowledge that our Heavenly Father loves us. My Book of Mormon institute teacher, Brother Erni mentioned a thought a few days ago that many people don’t know or understand that God loves them. “Do you know the nature of God?” He asked us. “Do you know who you’re praying to?” We are praying to our Heavenly Father who loves us and is in the very details of our lives everyday. We just need to be spiritually sensitive enough to recognize his blessings and hand in our lives. 
      So be like Moroni and his armies, strive to increase everyday! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Midnight High Jumping

It was the middle of the night and I was sound asleep, when suddenly I felt the door bang against my bed and the automatic hall light flickered on. Very confused, I sleepily inched my way to the edge of my bed and peered out the door to see what was going on. I saw Aleta’s blankets scattered on the floor and her bed was empty. Very confused, I sat there for a minute trying to comprehend what happened, when Aleta slowly walked back into the room.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I saw a huge spider!” She responded.
“On the ceiling.”
I turned on the light and looked up, there was no spider to be found. “Did it fall on the floor?” I asked.
“I have no idea.” She said. She then proceeded to gather up her blankets and go back to sleep. Turns out she had a night terror and thought she saw a giant spider on the ceiling. In her frightened adrenaline rush, she somehow managed to leap from her bed and land six feet into the hallway. She didn’t even know she could jump that far.
Fortunately there was no spider and Aleta discovered her new talent for high jumping.
I couldn’t stop laughing until I finally fell back to sleep.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Talking with Friends

I feel like this video accurately describes the conversations I have when I'm with a group of my friends...

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I love Sundays! It's nice to be able to relax and go to church. We have 1:00 church and my roommates and I have to force ourselves to not all head out the door for church too early. Today I was called to be a Sunday school teacher in the family history class. I'm excited, it should be a good experience and my partner, Candice seems like she'll be really good to work with. I was a family history consultant for about two and a half years in my home ward in Mapleton...I expected the calling to last about a year or less, but after the ward split, they never released me. The only reason I don't have that calling anymore is because I moved! I really enjoyed going to the Family History Center and helping people out. I even taught one of my best friends, Anthony how to index before he left on his mission. I hope I can be an effective teacher and teach others by the spirit and get them excited about family history work! 
Guess who the new
Family History Sunday school teacher is...
 I was also able to go to the CES devotional broadcast earlier this evening with my roommates. D. Todd Christofferson spoke and it was great! A quote he said that really stuck out to me was; "Our lives should be a confession of Christ, and together with our words testify of our faith in and devotion to Him." How we live our everyday lives should be a testimony to others as well as ourselves that we believe in Christ and are always striving to be more like Him.
After the devotional 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Northern Lights

Am I doing this college thing wrong or something? Because I feel like I get a lot more sleep in college than I did at home in high school. Last night was the longest my roommates and I have ever stayed up since we’ve been here in Logan and compared to most people…it wasn’t even that late. We were playing card games in the PJ lounge when my roommate Aleta brought her friend, Reece from Biology over. We decided to attempt to go out and see the Northern Lights that were suppose to be over Utah last night. So, we walked down the street a little ways…realized that we weren’t getting anywhere and decided to go for a drive away from the city lights. All six of my roommates and I piled in Reece’s van.  It was quite the adventure, poor Reece hanging out with six silly freshman girls. We found a random field and stood in it, looking around for the Northern Lights. We never saw them, but we did get a great view of the Milky Way and the stars were very bright. We could also see the city lights and the temple in the distance. The thought came to me: “You’re never lost when you can see the temple.” How true that is. We had a fun time talking and laughing, even though it was really cold. And what do college students do after going outside in the cold and star gazing? Go back to their apartment and eat ice cream of course! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

An Attempt at Blogging

Hey everyone! I decided to start a blog to keep my family members and friends updated on my college adventures. I’m currently a freshman at Utah State University. College can be challenging at times, but I try to find fun and adventure in little everyday things, it certainly helps to make college more interesting! On this blog I’ll share funny stories, spiritual thoughts, pictures and events! I don’t really know how to work a blog very well, but I’ll try my best. :) 
My parents and I somehow managed to put all
my stuff in the back of our Pilot the day I moved in! 

Awh! They even put all our names on our door!
I now realize it was more for Nic (our RA) to memorize our names than it was to greet us...

My awesome mother sending me off to college! 

Roommates who brush their teeth together...brush their teeth together...

First day of college laundry...

It just so happens that the first day I do laundry in college
I find someone else's sock mixed in with my clothes...

Lyndsey and I can literally make the same face. 

Waiting for the shuttle 

Aleta did my hair like Elsa's for church a few Sunday's ago! 

Adults are really just children grown up...

Our new favorite book we found at Wal Mart...

First College Football game!