Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thank You, Utah State

Well, I finished my last final online yesterday for my classes at Utah State! Woo hoo! Going to Utah State was definitely a unique experience for me and I'm grateful that I had the opportunity be a student there even if it was only for my Freshman and half of my Sophomore year.  While living in Logan, I've had good times, hard times and learning experiences. I was able to have adventures I otherwise wouldn't have experienced and was able to meet friends I otherwise wouldn't have met. I definitely couldn't be who I am now without my experiences at Utah State. Now I'm ready for a new adventure when I start school at BYU in January! 

Thank you, Utah State for giving me the opportunity to explore a new place and experience living further away from home. 

Cache County 

Thank you, Utah State for giving me the opportunity to make awesome new friends.

Ginger Friends 

So grateful that I was able to meet Emily! 

Love this girl! 
Thank you, Utah State for giving me learning experiences from living with roommates.

Thank you, Utah State for teaching me both things academically and life lessons.
I couldn't find anything to really represent this, so here's a picture of a giant leaf I found on campus

And most of all, thank you, Utah State for being a grand adventure!

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