One week more. "Another week another destiny..." (Les Mis reference). This is my last week living in Logan and going to Utah State! I don't think it's really hit me yet that I'm leaving and I'll be going to BYU in January. I guess it won't feel real until I move into my new apartment or go to classes at BYU or don't leave to go back up to Logan after Christmas break. I've really enjoyed going to Utah State, it's really been quite the adventure! I've learned a lot about myself and other things that I probably wouldn't have otherwise learned if I hadn't come up here. I met new friends up here that I wouldn't have otherwise met. I'm really grateful for this experience of being at Utah State, there are definitely some aspects that I'll miss. I'll miss going with my friends every Sunday to sing to our elderly friends at the rest home. I'll miss going to institute. I'll miss sitting in the living room with my roommates while we do our homework.I'll miss driving around Cache County and exploring new suburbs. I'll miss going to the Logan temple to do baptisms. I'll miss going on random food runs with Lyndsey and Emily.
But I'm also really excited to go to BYU and open a new chapter and go on a new adventure. So here's to one more week in Logan and one more week of classes at USU!
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