Sunday, September 27, 2015

Women's Conference!

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to women's conference with these awesome girls! Downtown Salt Lake City was crazy busy, with Comic Con and Women's Conference. We saw either women in dresses or people in costumes, there was no in between. We managed to make our way through the crowd after eating dinner at Kneaders and made it to the conference center. It was a great conference and it's always such a neat experience to attend the conference center and feel the strong Spirit that's there and see the speakers, prophets and apostles in person. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Word on the Street #9

Aleta walked in the kitchen wearing her anti-smoking shirt and proclaimed: "I know what it's like to live with tabasco..."

I recently saw one of our newly married friends, and during lunch I told Aleta about how she was doing. Aleta commented on the fact that she had successfully graduated from the singles ward. As I laughed, Aleta stated, "Well it's true, she has her marriage license as a diploma for proof!"

Aleta: "Abrakadabra! Sesame seed! Wait...that's not right... it's open sesame!!" 

Me to Lyndsey: Your sneezes are so elegant and graceful. Mine sound like my brains are being blown out at increased speeds.
Lyndsey: As opposed to normal speeds?
Me: Well, your sneezes in comparison sound like a graceful swan landing on a lake. 

(Aleta is trying to eat healthier) 
Aleta: *Eats an apple* "What is this rabbit food? How do you eat this stuff? I'm going to go get a bag of doritos." 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Joslyn's Farewell

Joslyn did a wonderful job on her farewell talk, she'll be an incredible missionary! This is the last time the sensational six will all be together for awhile, I'm so grateful for all the adventures we were able to enjoy for the past few years. Best of luck in Peru, Joslyn! We'll miss you! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Best of Friends

One ordinary day at the beginning of 10th grade, six girls that were each 15 years old found themselves sitting at the same lunch table. Some of them had known each other and were best friends beforehand and others had never really spoken to each other until that day.  Somehow, one thing lead to another and there they were all sitting at the same lunch table in the cafeteria of Maple Mountain High School. As time went on, they remained together at that lunch table and soon became close friends. They went on countless adventures together. Birthday parties, group dates, movie nights, football games, snow cone runs, etc. They all enjoyed spending time together and making one another laugh. After their senior year, they would go to different colleges. Three went up North to USU, two stayed close by and went to BYU and one went down South to Snow College. They continued to stay in touch and get together when they could. 
        Who knew that about 4 years later from that ordinary day in 10th grade we would all still be the best of friends, going on spontaneous adventures and making each other laugh? This is the last time the sensational six of us will all be hanging out together for a while since Joslyn leaves on her mission to Peru this week. So, we decided to take some pictures together! Love you guys! Remember, "True friends are always together in spirit." - Anne Shirley

McKenize, Aleta, me, Joslyn, Kartika and McKenna

Album Cover ;) 

Holding the missionary! 

Not really sure what's going on here...

Monday, September 7, 2015

Word on the Street #8

Dad: "Work is an honorable thing. Except for when it's dishonorable."

My little seven year old cousin was sitting next to me and put her arm up against my arm and proclaimed: "Wow! You're really white!"

Text to my dad a while ago: "Slow. Shoppers. Are. The. Worst. They take forever! I'm done in 20 minutes, they take four hours! Literally."
Dad: "You are just like a man."
Me: "Gee thanks dad."

Aleta: "I am going to die alone!"
Me: "No you won't! You'll have cats!"
Aleta: ...

Emily: "I don't have anything interesting to say about myself. Like when the elder's quorum presidency came over yesterday, they asked what my favorite thing to do is. And I wanted to say that my favorite thing is sitting on my bed with a snack, watching Grey's Anatomy." 
Me: "Did you say that?"
Emily: "NO! There were a bunch of hot guys there! I didn't want to tell them that!" 

*Watching a Chick Flick with Aleta*
Aleta: "Okay, okay. This is cheesy. Cheese and corn! I didn't know we were having dinner and a movie!"

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Generic Introductions

The first week of school can be full of adventure, excitement with new classes and of course, awkward encounters and introductions.  I absolutely hate the small talk that goes along with introducing myself to people. Making new friends? Awesome! It's always great to make new friends, but getting past the awkward introductions is the not so fun part. The generic college introduction conversation goes something like this;
“Hi, I’m so and so. What’s your name?” 
“So so! Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, where are you from So so?” 
“(Insert name of city here) Where are you from?”
“That’s cool! I’m from (insert name of city here).” 
“Oh nice! What are you studying?”
“I’m studying…this and this (or in my case, I don’t know).” 
“That’s really cool! I’m studying this and that.” 
*Awkward Pause* 
“So, where are you living?”
“This place. You?”
“That place. Do you like this place?”
“Yeah, do you like that place?”

*At this point, if you haven’t found common ground at all, the conversation slowly dies. However on the bright side, if you find other random things to talk about, you may have just made a new friend, which makes the generic introductions worth it. :) *