Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Junior High Kids Say the Silliest Things

In 8th and 9th grade I kept a notebook where I would write random and funny things that happened to me throughout the day. When I went home for President's Day weekend, I found my 9th grade moments notebook and thumbed through it. I found some pretty funny moments that made me laugh...
*Some names may be changed to protect the innocent... ;) 

Girl in class: "Did you know that you can get a headache from thinking too much?" 
Teacher: "Oh. Maddy doesn't have to worry then." 

Coach Jex: "Girls, go easy on yourself. Boys and girls are built differently. Some boys could eat everything in your house and not gain one pound. Some girls look at something and gain 4 pounds." 
Oh Junior High...

Girl in my geography class: "Is New York in the United States?"

Boy in my English class: "...We have the right to remain silent!"
Teacher: "Yes. I think you should exercise that right more often."

"We have permission to annoy the heck out of hell."
-My 9th grade seminary teacher

Mr. Johnson: "Teachers, we have a late bus that should be coming in a few minutes, I would make this announcement for those of you on the late bus, but you're not here yet...so it wouldn't do you much good."

Aleta: "Rachel, you're so pretty."
Me: "Awe! Thanks. You are too...if I can get this nectarine open..."
Altea: "I'm only pretty if you can get the nectarine open?!?" 

Derek to Aleta: "Can I use your notes?" 
Aleta: "Uh...no."
Derek: "Why not?"
Aleta: "Because I need them to study!"
Derek: "Study for what?"
Aleta: "Dang it! You got me there..."
Courtney: "Derek, she doesn't trust you with her notes, she's just too nice to say so."

(Role playing in seminary)
Tanner: "I've committed a terrible sin! I've committed murder!"
Kaden (role playing as bishop): "Have you told the family?"
Tanner: "I think they've found out by now..."


  1. The last one made me laugh so hard! I think I might actually cry from the laughingfullness!
