Wednesday, February 4, 2015

B-Day Selfies

Everyday in yearbook since the end of March, Seth, Anthony and I would take what we called "B-Day Selfies".  We would generally take them in the same spot in the same order everyday. It became a random tradition until we graduated and they went on their missions. Well, in their e-mails recently I noticed that both of them took a selfie making close to the same face in the same position, so I took the opportunity and combined a picture of me, Anthony and Seth to make another B-Day selfie. It made me smile. Thousands of miles doesn't impact the ability to make a B-day selfie one bit. :) 

In Logan, Spain and Denmark (Iceland)

And a few of the original B-Day Selfies just for fun...

I believe this was the very first one... 
Jessica the Junior (now senior) in the background ^

I look like I'm the only one awake in this one...

One of my favorites 

Last Day of Senior Year 

Yearbook Awards
 Anthony: Photoshop Wizard
Me: Disney Princess Award
Seth: Best Supporting Actor 

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