“That looks like sand. Oh the beach! (pause) I’ve never been to the beach…”
Me: “What’s wrong?”
Hannah: “I have Dorito dust in my eye!”
Conversation Hannah and I heard on the bus between the bus driver and a guy on the bus:
“Okay let’s go get a dozen glazed donuts. Then we’ll go to Hobby Lobby and pick up somethings…what time do we have to be at the church…?
“My turkey is going to be better than your turkey. No one likes a glittery turkey.”
(Later) Me: It took every ounce of self control for me to not say to them (while walking off the bus) have fun at Hobby Lobby!!”
Kartika: “Call me.”
Me: “Maybe?”
Kartika: (laughs) “No! I need you to call my phone because I lost it.”
Me: “Pop culture has ruined me!”
Hannah: “Okay, I’ve got to buy a couple of things. You guys can’t judge. We gotta go to the cheese aisle!”
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