Monday, November 3, 2014

The Power of Simple Service

College and living away from home can be hard. Being an only child, I’ve had my own room for my entire life, I’ve never had to share a bathroom and the only people who lived with me were my parents…and now in college I’ve not only had to learn how to share a room but a bathroom and kitchen with five girls! I love my roommates, but sometimes the college dorm life can be overwhelming and hard. Something I’ve really learned recently is the best way to combat stress and feeling down is to forget yourself and go serve other people. When you
uplift and serve others, you in turn are uplifted and enlightened as well. It’s a great concept that when you serve, you can benefit just as much, if not more than the person you serve. Contention and disagreements disappear and you’re filled with a greater love and appreciation for the person you’re serving. President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Tremendous happiness and peace of mind are the results of loving service to others. Nobody can live fully and happily who lives only unto himself or herself.” It’s a great feeling knowing that someone’s burden was made a little lighter because you followed the prompting to go and serve them. You don’t do it for a reward or praise, you do it because you can. It doesn’t hurt to see if anyone needs help with something or to silently serve them without them even knowing or noticing. I’ve also learned that everyone has something they need and something to give. Everyone you serve has something you can learn from them, even if you least expect it. Marjorie Pay Hinckley said; “People are wonderful. Each one has a story, each something to give, each knows something interesting, something that can make your life richer.” The best way to appreciate others more and to learn how to love them more is to go and serve them. For charity is the pure love of Christ and we could all use more Christlike love in the world. :)  (Moroni 7:45-47) 

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