Thursday, November 20, 2014

November Pictures

Here are some pictures of the adventures I've had this month so far...

This picture was taken right before my friend, Seth went on his mission to Iceland and a few months before one of my best friends, Anthony left on his mission to Spain. I just recently found it and it made me smile. 
Seth, Anthony and Me

First snow of the season...

A college student's continuing struggle...

Here comes Santa Clause...

The cold never bothered us anyway...

Friday, November 14, 2014

When you put the Lord first, everything else will fall into place

             When you put the Lord first, everything else will fall into place. As Ezra Taft Benson once said; "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities.” I learned this very fully this week when doing school work. I’ve made it a goal that throughout my college career I would never study or do homework on Sunday. It comes with challenges, but I’ve found that when I just put in a little extra effort to do all my homework and studying on Fridays and Saturdays, I have plenty of time to complete them and don’t need to do school work on the Sabbath day. In addition to that, I had an important biology test on Tuesday. This test is the last test before the actual final and would have a big impact on my grade. When sitting down with all my materials to study, I could distinctly hear a voice in my mind saying:   “Index first.
          I made a face. “Index first? What? I need to study for this test!”
         The thought was persistent. “Seriously. Index first, then study.”        “Okay!" So I went about indexing and enjoyed myself doing it, then went to studying.  The next day after taking my test, I received my result. I got a 98%!! 98 out of 100! I also had the highest score in the class (in addition to the other people who also received the same score). I felt so grateful and it really made me think about the concept that when we put the Lord first and keep his commandments, He will help and guide those who obey Him in all things. Even in something as temporal as a biology test. If it is important to us, it’s important to Him. If we do our part, He will always do His. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Word on the Street #5

Lyndsey: I think it's funny how you guys talk about what you are going to to with your kids when they're in school. Kids. Kids kids kids. And I'm here thinking: I hope I get married."

Me: "I feel like we're on a desert island and whenever one of our moms comes up, it's like the cargo ship bringing supplies."

I received a text from a random number: "Hi! Who is this?"
Me: "I think the question is who are you!? We're in a war man! There's not time for silly questions! (Name that movie)."
The person responded several hours later saying... "Is this Rachel?" (It was someone in my ward.)

Lyndsey: “Ugh my professor still hasn’t updated my grades. This is slowly killing me.”
Kartika: (Singing) “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…”
Lyndsey: “No”
Me: (Singing) “Some say love…”
Lyndsey: "Where did that come from?"
Me: "I don’t know. We were just all singing songs you didn’t want to hear.” 

Lyndsey to our RA, Nic: “Do your socks say CTR?”

Me:“That food they were making smelled so good…until someone burned it. It’s all fun and games in the apartment building until someone burns their lunch.”

Monday, November 10, 2014

Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence

This is a powerful talk by Elder Holland, if you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to go read it now!

Hebrews 10:35-36 
"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise."

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everyone Plays a Piece

“There are times when you might feel aimless
You can't see the places where you belong
But you will find that there is a purpose
It's been there within you all along and when you're near it
You can almost hear it.

It's like a symphony just keep listening 
And pretty soon you'll start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies
In each one of us, oh, it's glorious

You will know how to let it ring out as you discover who you are
Others around you will start to wake up
To the sounds that are in their hearts
It's so amazing what we're all creating
- Glorious (Sung by David Archuleta) 

Our theme in stake conference was “hastening the work of salvation”. Through all the talks and words that were expressed it really made me think about how we all have a contribution to make. It can be hard sometimes, feeling the pressure mount and people placing expectations on you to do certain things. In this case we need to seek vertical validation (approval from our Heavenly Father) and not horizontal validation (the approval of people). As long as you know that the choice you are making is a righteous choice and as long as your Heavenly Father approves and trusts you with the choice you are making, then it doesn’t matter what other people think, when you wholly have your Heavenly Father’s approval, you’re bullet proof and the opinions and judgements of others don’t matter so much.

That being said, I know that everyone has something great to contribute to the kingdom of God. We are all blessed with divine talents and abilities. The stake president’s wife, Sister Simmons said last night: “The Lord knows the desires of our hearts, he will bless us accordingly.” She went on to say “Missions come in all different shapes, sizes, forms and places. There is no ‘one size’ fits all.” What is right for one person may not be the right thing for another, but if we all are in tune with the Spirit and do our part, we will receive the personal revelation and guidance we need to discover what it is we need to do. In Alma 1:26 it says; “And when the priests left their labor to impart the word of God unto the people, the people also left their labors to hear the word of God. And when the priest had imparted unto them the word of God they all returned again diligently unto their labors; and the priest, not esteeming himself above his hearers, for the preacher was no better than the hearer, neither was the teacher any better than the learner; and thus they were all equal, and they did all labor, every man according to his strength.” I love this scripture! No one is better or higher up than another. We are all equal, in this scripture they all worked hard and did their best according to their strengths and abilities. I love that concept! No calling is too small as long as you strive to do your very best and fulfill your calling to the best of your abilities. As the song lyrics go, “Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies in each of us…” The Lord needs each of us in our abilities. Our call to build up the kingdom may not be as recognizable as some, it may be behind the scenes or a small contribution, but it is not worth any more or less than someone else’s. As long as we give it our all and trust in the Lord, we can make a difference. The Lord has an assignment for each of us to build up his Kingdom. It is our task to be in tune enough to figure it out and follow through with it. 
        As members, we are all missionaries. We all know someone who could use the blessing of the Gospel in our lives. We all know someone we can serve. Everyone, everyone has a contribution to make. A scripture that illustrates this is Mark 12:41-44 “And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” If we give Him all our heart and willingness to serve Him in our capacities, and stay in tune with the promptings of the Spirit, He will recognize our efforts and we will be blessed.
A member of the Logan Temple presidency, President Luthey came and spoke to us, he said “I know the potential of this generation, I hope that you will live for it.” Wow! We have such a great potential as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us even more than we can comprehend. We need to do our part and live up to the great potential that is within us. Each of us has a light to share, everyday we have something to give. We need to recognize that everyone’s call is unique and divine, intended just for them. Isn’t that a great thought? Knowing that we, personally have the capabilities to serve our Heavenly Father and he will guide us to know just how we can do that and live up to our eternal potential.
I included a video we watched in stake conference that really illustrates that everyone has the potential to serve in their everyday lives. :) 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Word on the Street #4

“That looks like sand. Oh the beach! (pause) I’ve never been to the beach…”

Me: “What’s wrong?”
Hannah: “I have Dorito dust in my eye!” 

Conversation Hannah and I heard on the bus between the bus driver and a guy on the bus:
“Okay let’s go get a dozen glazed donuts. Then we’ll go to Hobby Lobby and pick up somethings…what time do we have to be at the church…?
“My turkey is going to be better than your turkey. No one likes a glittery turkey.”
(Later) Me: It took every ounce of self control for me to not say to them (while walking off the bus) have fun at Hobby Lobby!!” 

Kartika: “Call me.”
Me: “Maybe?”
Kartika: (laughs) “No! I need you to call my phone because I lost it.”
Me: “Pop culture has ruined me!” 

Hannah: “Okay, I’ve got to buy a couple of things. You guys can’t judge. We gotta go to the cheese aisle!” 

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Power of Simple Service

College and living away from home can be hard. Being an only child, I’ve had my own room for my entire life, I’ve never had to share a bathroom and the only people who lived with me were my parents…and now in college I’ve not only had to learn how to share a room but a bathroom and kitchen with five girls! I love my roommates, but sometimes the college dorm life can be overwhelming and hard. Something I’ve really learned recently is the best way to combat stress and feeling down is to forget yourself and go serve other people. When you
uplift and serve others, you in turn are uplifted and enlightened as well. It’s a great concept that when you serve, you can benefit just as much, if not more than the person you serve. Contention and disagreements disappear and you’re filled with a greater love and appreciation for the person you’re serving. President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Tremendous happiness and peace of mind are the results of loving service to others. Nobody can live fully and happily who lives only unto himself or herself.” It’s a great feeling knowing that someone’s burden was made a little lighter because you followed the prompting to go and serve them. You don’t do it for a reward or praise, you do it because you can. It doesn’t hurt to see if anyone needs help with something or to silently serve them without them even knowing or noticing. I’ve also learned that everyone has something they need and something to give. Everyone you serve has something you can learn from them, even if you least expect it. Marjorie Pay Hinckley said; “People are wonderful. Each one has a story, each something to give, each knows something interesting, something that can make your life richer.” The best way to appreciate others more and to learn how to love them more is to go and serve them. For charity is the pure love of Christ and we could all use more Christlike love in the world. :)  (Moroni 7:45-47) 

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The best part about Halloween is being able to dress up in a fun costume and no one will question you for it. Sure, I'm in college but I wasn't about to let my age stop me from having fun on Halloween and dressing up. This year I was Princess Anna from Disney's Frozen. My roommate Hannah was Rapunzel and Kartika was a princess. No one else wanted to dress roommates started to get pretty annoyed with my constant Anna quotes and Frozen songs, but I was dressed up as Anna and I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass me by. :)

"I need you to take me to the North Mountain..right now. Right now."

"Cold, cold cold cold COLD!"

Rapunzel and Anna