In January of 2016, I will be trading this shirt...
For this shirt...
Yep. That's right. I'm transferring from Utah State to BYU in January. Why? To become a Family History-Geneology Major! I have such a love and passion for family history that I know it's what I want to do. It feels so right and I feel at peace with my decision, I'm excited to learn even more about this wonderful work and to be a student at BYU.
That being said, it's certainly true that change can also be scary. I'll be going from a group of roommates where I know everyone to roommates where I know no one, from a campus where I know where everything is to a campus where I vaguely know where things are, from where I feel like I have this whole college thing figured out to where I'll have to figure it out all over again. Would it be easier to stay up at Utah State? Maybe. But I know that now BYU is where I need to be. I'll be leaving behind wonderful friends and the fond memories I've made up here at Utah State. I've loved living in and exploring Cache County. I know that coming up to Utah State for my freshman and half of my sophomore year is what I needed to do, I learned things that I could not have learned in any other way. I met friends I otherwise never would have met. I needed the experience of being further away from home to learn and grow, now it's time for me to go back to Utah County and be a student at BYU. I'm both very excited and sad to transfer, but fortunately I still have a couple more months as an Aggie and there's time to enjoy my USU experience to the fullest.
Watch out BYU! I'm coming for you in January!
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