Monday, June 8, 2015

Cultural Celebration

On Saturday after going to Bridal Veil Falls, McKenzie and I braved the sudden storm to head to the Payson Temple Cultural Celebration. It was raining buckets! We huddled under my tiny one person umbrella and practically had to wade through the Nile River to get to the stadium. We started out jumping over the puddles, but we were so soaking wet that we gave up and just walked right through them. When we made it to the stadium, we learned that the celebration had been postponed in hopes that the weather would clear up. People were running back to their cars for cover and seeking shelter underneath the bleachers. We arrived at the front where we were supposed to meet the person who had our tickets, however they were nowhere to be found amongst the chaos. McKenzie turned to a police officer standing near by and said, "We were supposed to meet someone here for our tickets...."
"Just go on in," the officer responded. "I don't even care about tickets anymore." We thanked him and joined the crowd under the bleachers. 
      The rain slowly started to clear up and McKenzie and I went out to take our seats. The celebration started an hour late, but it was a miracle it was even able to start that night! It didn't rain a drop during the celebration, it was definitely a tender mercy of the Lord. The celebration was amazing and I'm glad I was able to attend. It was an adventure, definitely a night to remember!

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