Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Super Bowl...

So I'm pretty sure people think I live under a rock or something. I was at Wal-Mart with my roommates on Friday. The cashier asked me who I thought was going to win the Super Bowl this weekend. I responded by saying: "I don't know! Who's playing?" After getting a sympathetic look, he informed me that the Patriots and Seahawks were playing. I sided with the Seahawks, only because I've been to Seattle before...that's about as in to football as I get.

*Update* 2/1/15
This evening, I went with some girls in my ward to go sing to a little old lady in a rest home.  She answered her door and we told her we were there to sing hymns to her. She looked at her TV screen, then looked back at us, then back to her TV screen. “But it’s the super bowl!” She exclaimed. We pointed out that it was half time and we could still sing to her, but in the end she decided she wanted to watch the super bowl instead, so we’re going to sing to her next week. It made me laugh that a cute little lady was so into football. 

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