Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Super Bowl...

So I'm pretty sure people think I live under a rock or something. I was at Wal-Mart with my roommates on Friday. The cashier asked me who I thought was going to win the Super Bowl this weekend. I responded by saying: "I don't know! Who's playing?" After getting a sympathetic look, he informed me that the Patriots and Seahawks were playing. I sided with the Seahawks, only because I've been to Seattle before...that's about as in to football as I get.

*Update* 2/1/15
This evening, I went with some girls in my ward to go sing to a little old lady in a rest home.  She answered her door and we told her we were there to sing hymns to her. She looked at her TV screen, then looked back at us, then back to her TV screen. “But it’s the super bowl!” She exclaimed. We pointed out that it was half time and we could still sing to her, but in the end she decided she wanted to watch the super bowl instead, so we’re going to sing to her next week. It made me laugh that a cute little lady was so into football. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

I loved the quote and thought this picture fit, so I made this meme. :) 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Small and Simple things

This past week I had the opportunity to go to a fireside where Elder Quentin L. Cook spoke. It was amazing, the moment he walked into the room everyone fell silent and you could feel the Spirit so strongly as he entered the room. He talked about making righteous choices that will impact our lives and strengthening our testimonies. He said that day by day consistent efforts are the things that make the biggest difference in our lives. 
He shared the story of Naaman and Elisha in 2 Kings 5:1-14. Naaman was frustrated at the simplicity of the task that Elisha told him to do in order to be healed. His servants said to him in verse 13; “…My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?” We know the rest of the story, Naaman decided to obey the prophets words and was healed. This story can also apply to us, if the prophets ask us to do something big, we’d probably be quick to perform the task, but what about the smaller, everyday things like saying prayers and reading scriptures? Those acts are just as important and bring about extraordinary results. 
         Something that was also really powerful with Elder Cook was when he bore his testimony at the end. He said, “I stand as a witness of Christ…I know His voice.” That really hit me, He truly is an apostle of the Lord and is here to stand as a special witness and bare testimony to us. I enjoyed the fireside and it was an awesome experience to hear from an apostle of the Lord.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Spring Semester and la Poisson

This week was the beginning of Spring semester. That meant new classes and getting adjusted to a completely new schedule. Woo hoo! Wednesday I got up early and went to English. Afterwards I had institute. English is in the engineering building and the institute is clear across campus. I timed myself and I managed to make it there in 9 minutes and 11 seconds across the frozen tundras of Logan. And that includes trying to find the classroom! It's a new record! After an awesome institute class I went to U.S history with Lyndsey. After that I was finished with classes for the day and had no homework. It was great. However, as the day went on I started to get bored. My roommates and I found ourselves wishing we had homework to do. It was ridiculous. We found ways to keep ourselves entertained and ended up taking a random trip to DI and PetSmart. We started our trip looking for one thing then ended up buying a small table, a fish bowl and a beta fish! We named our fish Poisson (Poy-Sawn) which is French for fish. It was a pretty good way to start out this new semester. :) 
Today I had a two hour and ten minute statistics class. It dragged on and on. I absolutely dislike math, I've never been extremely good at it either. My professor asked us to compute a problem mentally. I did it and guess what?!? The answer was right! And for that one shining moment in history I was a mathematical genius. And then that moment ended. The class continued to drag on. And on. And on! I'm just glad the professor is good and it shouldn't be too bad. :) 
So, overall I have some pretty great classes and I hope this will be a fun semester full of new adventures! 


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Grandpa Leon

Four years ago today my Grandpa Jensen passed away. He was a remarkable man that touched the lives of many, serving in different callings in the church, dressing up as Santa Clause for children and in his job as school bus driver. I remember when he would call my mother on the phone, he would always ask to talk to me and sometimes he would impersonate different characters such as Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, he certainly knew how to make a little kid smile. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the truth that families are forever. Families don’t cease to be after someone has passed away, they are eternal for this life and the next. Because of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection we can all live again and see our loved ones who have died. “There is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.” (Mosiah 16:7) As President Hinckley once said: "Of all the victories in human history, none is so great, none so universal in its effect, none so everlasting in its consequences as the victory of the crucified Lord who came forth in the Resurrection that first Easter morning." It is because of this great victory over death that we can see our loved ones again and be with them forever. 
 Families are forever!