Thursday, October 2, 2014

TBT: Friends!

Throwback Thursday: My best friends gave me a surprise party for my 18th birthday in March.  My friends are all amazing people, I’m so grateful for each of them. All of the guys in this picture are on their missions or have their call and all the girls in this picture are in college working hard! I am so grateful for my good friends and the examples they are to me. "We need to measure very carefully who our true friends are. The measure of a true friend is one who will not have us choose between his way and the Lord's way. A true friend makes it easier to live the commandments of The Lord. A true friend will not let us do anything we want. True friends will correct us when we do something wrong and bring us back on the straight and narrow path that leads to exaltation."-Elder Robert D. Hales

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