Saturday, August 6, 2016

For My Aunt...

As you know, I've been terrible at updating my blog. This update is for my aunt, because I'm pretty sure she's the only one who still reads are a bunch of pictures of what I've been up to this summer! 

Loved having these girls as my roommates for Winter Semester! 
Our band cover photo ;) 

My cousin won Miss Payson 

One of my cousins got married in the Logan temple

Annual Jensen girls St. George Trip 

4th of July 

My cousin, Brody, came home from his mission!

My cousins and I waiting for Brody to arrive  
My friend, Seth, came home from his mission as well! 

My best friend, Anthony, came home from his mission too! 

Beautiful Payson Temple 

Won free tickets to a live Studio C taping! 

Loved seeing it with these three! 

The gang 

So there you have it! I'll try to be more consistent with updating my blog, but with school starting soon, we'll see! Thank you to those of you who are reading this...which is probably still just my aunt...but thank you anyway!