Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014: A Year in Review

2014 has been quite the year! It’s weird to think that at the beginning of 2014 I was still a senior in high school and now by the end of the year I’ve finished my first semester of college! Crazy! Like a quote on Pinterest says: “It’s crazy. Day by day nothing changes but when I look back everything’s different.” How true this statement is. It’s been a great year, I’ve been immensely blessed in many ways. I tried new things, went on many adventures, developed new talents, made new friends, learned new things. It’s been a great year and I look forward to improving myself and applying the things I’ve learned to become better in 2015 as well as go on new adventures! Here are some of the highlights of 2014, I tried to do it in chronological order but it may not be completely accurate. 

1. I earned my Young Women’s Medallion! After years of working hard as well as procrastinating, I finally managed to earn my Young Women's medallion in March of 2014.

2. Spoke in Stake Conference. That was an interesting experience. I spoke in the adult evening session, it definitely forced me to overcome my fear of speaking in public. Now, speaking in sacrament meeting doesn't phase me like it used to, thank goodness! 

3. I turned 18 in March. My mother and my awesome friends arranged a "surprise" party for me. It was great, all my best friends were there and it was definitely one of the most fun I've had on my birthday! 
Captured at the perfect moment: Mid laugh

Best Friends!

The guys...

Birthday Selfie attempt 

4. I went to Seattle, Washington on Choir tour. That was such a fun experience! Even though the bus ride was very, very long, it was fun hanging out with my choir friends and seeing new sights. We visited the gum wall (ew!), ate clam chowder, explored Pike's Place market, rode a ferry to Tillicum Village ate delicious foods everywhere we went, went to the top of the Space Needle, sang in a Baptist church, sang at a combined faiths concert, went to the EMP Museum, saw Broadway's The Lion King, visited Snoqualmie Falls and had fun just talking and laughing in our hotel room after the day's activities. Seattle is definitely an amazing place and choir tour was a memorable experience! 

(Left to Right) McKenna, McKenzie, Joslyn, Noal, Me, Hannah and Corena

Beautiful rainy day in Seattle (as usual)

Choir tour pals!

On Tillicum Village 

EMP Museum 

Neeeeearrrr! Faaaaaaarrrr! Wheeeerrreeever you arrrrrrre!
 I believe that the heart does gooooo ooon!

5. Going to prom with one of my best friends was so much fun. One of the best dates ever! 
Anthony and me 

6. Graduated from Seminary. I loved all four years of Seminary and everything I learned in it. 

7. Graduating from high school was definitely bittersweet. I know a lot of people that hated high school and were more than ready to graduate, I know people that wish they could go back to their high school years. Me? I enjoyed being high school and for the experiences I had but I'm fine that it's over and I'm on to the next adventure. I've had great experiences over the past several years in school. I went on many adventures, I've seen and learned so much and met some amazing people. Even though we all felt ridiculous in our goofy caps and gowns it was great to reflect on the fun things and accomplishments we all made at this time in our lives. 
Me, Anthony, James and McKenzie 

Couldn't have done it without my amazing parents!

 8. Going to St. George in the summer to see Little Mermaid with my mom and girls on her side of the family was lots of fun! Even though it was really hot outside, Little Mermaid was amazing! 
Me and some of my cute cousins 

9. My friend's getting their mission calls and going to their farewells. All my best guy friends got their mission calls this year! The summer time was filled with Sunday after Sunday of Farewells! 

At Seth's farewell.
He's currently serving in the Denmark, Copenhagen mission
Icelandic Region.

Elder Jensen (my cousin) after his setting apart. Currently
serving in the Fresno California mission. 

Saying goodbye to Anthony, he's currently serving
in the Spain Barcelona mission.

(And I couldn't find a picture, but my friend James Harkness is serving in Busan, Korea!) 

10. I moved to Logan on August 16, 2014 to go to college. It has definitely been a different experience that's helped me grow and become a more responsible person. I've learned so much from being away from home and it's not limited to what I learn in the classroom!

Somehow we managed to fit all my stuff in the back
of the Honda Pilot 

11. I was called to be a  Family History Sunday School Teacher in my singles ward. To be honest, my first thought after receiving this call was "Family history again?" (I was a youth FH consultant in my home ward since was about 15 and wasn't release until I moved to college) but I've come to realize even more the vital importance of this great work. I love family history so much and enjoy helping other people learn more about it.

12. I survived my first semester of college and went on many adventures! I also somehow managed to get a 4.0. my first semester. Here's to many more years of college and learning! Woo hoo! 
Roommates: Hannah, Lyndsey, Aleta, Kartika, Emily and I 
13. Various temple trips to do baptisms. I made it a goal to go to the temple more often this year and I'm grateful to be close to so many temples! 

14. Random other adventures with family and friends. I've gone on so many adventures with my loved ones this year, I can't keep track of them all, so here's some random pictures from the year! 
B-Day Selfies in Yearbook 
After a choir concert with my choir friends 

"Studying" in study hall...

Seniors being seniors 
Hiking Stewart Falls
Cleaning the church
Holding baby cousin, Malika! 

It's been a great year and I look forward to more adventures and experiences in 2015!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Means a Little Bit More

When you're young, you don't have to go searching for the magic Christmas feeling, it's seems like it's always automatically there. From the moment the Christmas music starts playing on the radio and the town begins to be lit up with Christmas lights, the wonder begins. You press your little nose up against the windows of the stores, glance timidly at the mall Santa's, dance around to Christmas music, watch Christmas movies and read the Christmas story...you breath it all in and eat it up. The magic, mystery and wonder surrounds you, the excitement accumulates and everyday of December is a day of Christmas celebration. You can truly feel the Christmas spirit. 
          However, as you get older, the magic fades. The stores put up their Christmas decorations, you cock your head and say "Already?" You still love Christmas, it's your favorite time of the year, but you just can't grasp the wondering, powerful, Christmasy feeling you once possessed as a child. That's why it's so common to hear the teenagers and adults say "It doesn't feel like Christmas." So, you decide to go chasing after it, since it doesn't come to you, you will go seeking after it. You munch on candy canes, gaze admirably at the Christmas tree, go Christmas shopping. We wrap presents, watch the snow (if there is any...), admire Christmas lights, watch Christmas movies, put on your elf hat and tree skirt and dance around to 'Rock'en Around the Christmas tree' and sing Christmas songs. Then you sit there and say why isn't it Christmasy? What more can I do? This feeling I had, why is it something that can only be felt in the minds and hearts of the kids?! What is this!?!
When we sit back and think, really think about what Christmas is about, we start to grasp it again. Sure, we hear it all the time, people say: "Remember the true meaning of Christmas." 
"Yes yes." We say as we pull on our boats to go and fight the Christmas shopping crowds. "Baby Jesus, nativity, true Christmas spirit, got it."Then shrug it off as we go on our merry way. But no! Stop! Stop and think about what Christmas is truly about. Our Savior was born for us!
          That's why we celebrate Christmas, because our Heavenly Father loves us
so much, He sent His son to Earth to live and die for us. The baby in the manger is the reason we all have hope. He is the way we can all return back to our Heavenly Father one day. At this time of the year, we celebrate His birth and all He's done for us. President Monson said, “Christmas is what we make of it. Despite all the distractions, we can see to it that Christ is at the center of our celebration. If we have not already done so, we can establish Christmas traditions for ourselves and for our families which will help us capture and keep the spirit of Christ.” President Uchdorf also said; “Of course, we do not need a Christmas holiday or Christmas traditions to remember Jesus Christ, the Savior. … May each Christmas season remind us to lift up our voices and fill our hearts with joy and gratitude that Christ the King has come! Christ lives! He is real. He is our Redeemer at Christmas and always.” He is our Savior, he lives and loves us. That is truly what Christmas is all about. And so, maybe the Christmas spirit isn't as unobtainable as we had originally thought. We go chasing after a feeling that was there all along, we were just too busy worrying it wasn't there, to truly notice and appreciate it. 

So, we stand there like the Grinch with our feet ice cold in the snow saying "How could it be so? It came with out presents. It came without tags! It came without packages boxes or bags! He puzzled and puzzed until his puzzler was sore. Than he thought of something he hadn't before. Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more." :) 

If you haven't seen the "He is the Gift" video or the record breaking nativity and hymn "Angels We Have Heard On High" Watch them now! 



Monday, December 8, 2014

The Importance of a Family

Since I've been away from home I've really gained a greater insight and testimony of the importance of a family. How important it is that we belong to a family, how loving our Heavenly Father is to allow us the opportunity to be with our family forever! How horrible would it be to be alone forever, to have no connections to your parents or spouse after this life? I don’t even want to think about it! We need families. Quentin L. Cook said: “Central to knowing the Father is understanding the revealed pattern of family. The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and is ordained of God.” Families are the central unit of everything, they are a big part to our lives here and our lives throughout eternity. And oh how we can take it for granted at times.  I think about how often I overlooked the little things that now in college I miss so much, like eating meals together and going on walks and playing Mario Kart with    my parents and always winning. ;)  As President Uchtdorf said: "We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. We talk with, rather than about, each other. We learn from each other, and we appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities. We establish a divine bond with each other as we approach God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship.” 
President Thomas S. Monson said; “Lessons learned in the home, last the longest.” My parents taught me what I needed to know before I moved out. They set an example of how to work hard, do my best and serve others. They taught me the importance of daily scriptures study and prayer. Both of them always take their church callings to the extra mile and do more to help those in need. I couldn’t be who I am or where I am today without the influence, example and the things my parents taught me.  Living with roommates can be fun (and hard) and is a great learning experience (I know that I need this time to grow), but it’s not the same as having a family. There isn’t that motherly understanding or the fatherly advice that we all need growing up even if we don’t realize it at the time. My parents were always there for me growing up and they continue to support me. It’s a great feeling knowing that they love you no matter what and they are always there to support you.  People in the world continually make you wonder if they like you or not, but I never have to question for one moment that my parents love me. Because I know without a doubt that they do and always have and that they always will and I love them too. I love my family, my current and future family. I am eternally grateful for the beautiful blessing of having an eternal family.